Interview with Zie Zie Senzaki, VP of Sales & Marketing

Before there was social media, there was socializing. In person. In places. With people—total strangers, even. Our VP Sales & Marketing, Zie Zie Senzaki mastered the art of socialization at an early age. The daughter of Malaysian immigrants, Zie Zie’s family moved to the US when bright-eyed little Zie Zie was seven years old. Her earliest memories of life in Malaysia included school, followed by helping out with the family business—welcoming customers and anticipating their needs—alas, it was Zie Zie’s first taste of hospitality.
Three decades later, Zie Zie reflects on the value of human connection amid the current climate. With the buzz surrounding everything from robot room service to the Metaverse, how do we balance tech innovation with what got us all into this business in the first place—human connection? And how do we stay connected in a contactless world?
PH: Why is connection so important?
ZS: It’s human nature. As humans, we need each other. Isolation and working from home does not fuel the soul—that’s why it’s so important for us to connect. Connection means truly caring—we connect because we care about our colleagues, our neighbors, our community, and this world.
PH: Can you provide an examples of how to build a habit of connection?
ZS: Honestly, it’s simple. For me, it’s picking someone every week to text or call. I make it a goal to connect with a friend, acquaintance, or someone I’ve worked with—I pick someone and make it a goal to connect with them by the end of the week.
PH: How do you measure the impact or value of connection?
ZS: Oh, so many ways. You can measure it by friendship, and who you’ve surrounded yourself with; or by growing your network of supporters—the people who root you on, just make sure you reciprocate! The value can be felt at work or on a personal level—a mom’s group, for example. The relationships we build, help to make us feel better. It’s like soul food, having shared experiences and knowing that while you may still be physically distant, you’re not alone.
Zie Zie brings a hospitality sales foundation built on a bedrock of born-with-it people skills to the game. The consummate connector, she’s putting together our next great collaboration as we speak.
For more from Zie Zie Senzaki,
watch the interview on IGTV.